I do too. I enjoy reading about history and have really liked reading the American Girl books with my girls. We check out new books each week from the library. We are so excited to have a store here in Denver. Brad and I took Olivia on a date this weekend to visit the American Girl store and to pick out a doll for her birthday. She picked the Kit Kittredge doll, one of the historical characters in the books that we have been reading. We just finished the book titled, "Happy Birthday, Kit". Olivia has been counting down the days to her birthday and to her trip to the American Girl store. She treasures her new doll! Kit has not left her side.

We have fun celebrating birthdays and decided to have a "Sweet Shoppe" this year.
Our little Olivia is SO SWEET. We could not think of a better theme to suit her. :)

She has been busy playing school with her sisters! So fun.