This week has been sunny and in the 50s and high 60s. Fabulous. I love Denver. The girls and I have been outside as much as we possibly can. We have been playing at parks and visiting the Farmers Markets (Denver has a plethora). Yesterday we went to Boulder to try the new Gelato Shop at the Whole Foods Market. We have grown attached to Boulder and try to visit as often as we can. We always spend some time on Pearl Street. It is a popular destination in Boulder and the stage for all sorts of street performers, musicians and artists. There is always something new to see or do on Pearl Street. Yesterday was no exception.

Kids were amazed. I wasn't sure what to think, especially when he asked for volunteers and my kids ran to his aid. His plan was to fit 4 kids into a box (two 8 years old, a 5 year old and a 3 year old). I didn't want to ruin his show (he had a large audience) but when I could tell that they could not breath and he was about to shove Ella in for the finale...I had to put a stop to it. Addie was a little embarrassed and claims that her friend Rory (back corner) still had a pocket of air, Ella thanked me for saving her and said, "Mom, let's get out of here!"
I could not agree more.

The girls are members of the Whole Foods Kids Club. Each store offers different activities, events or classes for the kids each month. In the Boulder market, the kids get to pick out the "healthy snack foods of the month" every time they visit. This month: Satsuma Tangerine, organic gingerbread crackers, and a cheese stick. They were delighted, but we had something a little creamier in mind...