Yesterday morning was the Mesa Falls Marathon. A few months ago, several people in my family decided to make this day a family event. My uncle (Steve) was planning on doing the full marathon. My cousin (Tarra) and I were going to do the half marathon. My sister (Kambria) and my aunt (Karla) were going to do the 5k. In the weeks before the race, I injured my IT band. Ouch! So, training had to stop. Big disappointment, but the day still turned out to be so much fun! Tarra decided last minute to run the full marathon and she did AWESOME. I met them somewhere in the middle and ran with them and then ran Tarra in her last couple of miles. Karla, Kam, Brad and I did the 5k and then Brad ran Steve in his last couple of miles. What a huge accomplishment for our two marathoners!!!!!! They made it look so easy!

Here is a funny picture that Brad snapped. After I ran my short stretch in the middle of the marathon I was tired and ready to hop back in the car. Well, this is me trying to catch up with the car. Brad was going just fast enough that I could not catch up and just slow enough that I could reach out and touch the bumper. He was laughing and snapping pictures of my desperate state. He was nice enough to let me in before a huge hill, thanks Brad :)