Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Happy Birthday Addison!

Addison is 10 years old!  
She is growing up, such a sweet young lady.
Love, love, love her!
Addison's birthday was so much fun!
She invited 10 of her friends to celebrate with her at her 
favorite water park.  They had so much fun swimming, 
playing water games and going down slides.
We concluded the party with an ice cream parlor at our house. 
Each of the party guests dipped a balloon in chocolate when they arrived.
When the chocolate was ready, they popped their balloon and discovered 
a darling little chocolate bowl to fill with ice cream and toppings.
It was delicious and so much fun.
Cake cones for her birthday cake-she loved them.
Addie loves her American Girl doll.
She was sooo happy to pick out a canopy bed for 
her doll with bedding to match her bedroom.
She was also excited to take Julie(her doll) to the American Girl Salon
 to get her ears pierced and braces put on. So cute.