Friday, November 4, 2011

Baby Ava

Having a 4th little girl join our family has been a delight!
Baby Ava is a s-w-e-e-t-h-e-a-r-t.
It is so exciting to watch her grow
and see her little personality blossom.
She loves to be with her sisters.
She follows them everywhere. They LOVE it.

Watching a movie---all in a row.
Ava thinks she is so big! :)
A few snapshots from my phone...
Eating a banana before church--her favorite.
Shop 'til you drop.
She sleeps anywhere. I love it. She is a very easy baby.
I could kiss her little cheeks all day.
Morning run--she loves to ride in the stroller.
Listening to the story at Pottery Barn Kids story time.
She is growing up so fast. LOVE HER!