Today we decided to spend the day in downtown Denver. Our first stop was the Capitol Building. The girls and I toured the building earlier in the week and they loved it so much, they were anxious to show their dad. On the 18th step, of the west entrance, we found the official spot that marks Denver exactly "one mile above sea level".

We spent the afternoon strolling down Denver's 16th Street Mall. It is located right in the heart of downtown. It is 16 blocks of popular shops, street vendors, restaurants, and entertainment. It is a lot of fun and the best part is the free "MallRide" (bus). Because it is a mile of shopping, you can travel on a bus from one end to the other, with many stops in between. This was the highlight of the day. Our girls could have skipped the whole shopping experience just to stay on the bus. Kids are so easy to please. :)