Tuesday, February 26, 2008
For Sparta!
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7:28 PM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Tagged. Eight fun facts about each of our girls.
Addison is so much fun!!! She loves to perform. She is constantly choreographing a dance or making up a song on the piano. She is a very cautious person and likes to be obedient (she gets very upset when I talk on my cell while I am driving). Addison is a daddy's girl! She told me today that she should have married him before I did. :) She is very persistent and determined when she wants to learn new things. Her latest ...snapping, whistling and the first 3 articles of faith. Addison is very social and makes friends easily. She has a big heart and is very sensitive and loving. We absolutely adore her!

Our sweet Olivia has a very tender heart. She is the first to give hugs, kisses and to say, "I love you". She is very mellow and easy to get along with. She is so much like her dad, a peacemaker! This picture shows one of Olivia's talents...her amazing little hands can undo and unpick almost anything!!! She has undone or unscrewed almost everything in our house (including her crib when she was 9 months old, she did it so much, it stripped the holes and I threw it away). She took off part of our piano today!!! I could go on and on. Olivia has a very good memory and is a computer wiz. Olivia is so happy and laughs all of the time, she is too cute. We could not love her more!

Little Miss Ella is such a good-natured baby! She has a very determined little personality. Ella likes to dance like her sisters. She is full of energy and is always on the go. She is cheerful and full of smiles. Ella is way too busy to be held for very long, she has to keep up with her sisters. She loves to play with blocks and her toy piano. Ella is as cute as can be! We love her so much!
Who am I tagging? Everyone on my friends and family blog list that would like to share 8 fun things about their cute kids. :)
Posted by
7:32 PM
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Happy 23rd B-Day Dev!!! You've never looked younger!!!
Today was Dev's birthday and we celebrated it Wii style! We started out the morning with some yummy cheese cake treats and the girls each drew some fun birthday pictures. We had originally planned to have a night out on the town, but Livi and Ella both are still sick so we decided to party at home. Once the girls went to bed we ordered some Olive Garden and had a Wii battle like no other! Dev ended up winning 10-9 and is still gloating that she came out victorious! It's always nice to win on your birthday isn't it:) Although Dev didn't actually get the cake seen above for her birthday, she deserves one just like it because she is a great wife and mom and makes my life and our girls lives so much fun! We love you Dev! Happy Birthday!!!
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11:18 PM
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Tagged. Questions about my Valentine.
How long have you been together? 9 Years
How long did you date? 1 year and a few months
How old is he? 31
Who eats more? Brad does.
Who said "I love you" first? We were cheese balls... he would say it in Vietnamese and I would say it in Navajo. I don't know who actually said "I love you" first.
Who is taller? Brad
Who sings better? I sing better to church music, Brad sings better in the car to punk music.
Who is smarter? Depends on what subject.
Who does the laundry? I do, he wants to, but I have to have it done a certain way. :)
Who does the dishes? We both do.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do
Who pays the bills? Brad
Who mows the lawn? We both did when we had a lawn to mow.
Who cooks dinner? I love to cook, so I do most of the time, he does on occasion.
Who is more stubborn? Me, hands down.
Who kissed who first? I kissed Brad first. I am still shocked that I did( I promise that was not my style).
Who asked who out? Brad asked me out in front of my boyfriend. :)
Who proposed? He did
Who is more sensitive? Brad
Who has more friends? We are probably even.
Who has more siblings? Brad
Who wears the pants in the relationship? I think he does and he says I do
Who am I tagging? Megan, Annie, Kam, Sally, Shi
Posted by
11:50 AM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Happy Birthday Olivia!
Livi turned 3 years old today! She had a fun birthday party with 10 of her good friends. Brad was in charge of the games and activities. He did such a great job. The kids had a lot of fun!
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3:59 PM