We normally don't have this much snow in Kansas. Brad had so much fun pulling the girls around in the sled. They were laughing so hard. Ella was fascinated by the snow. She was upset when it was time to go inside. :)
Monday, December 24, 2007
White Christmas
Posted by
12:13 PM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Gingerbread House
You sure can't tell from the serious faces, but the girls had a lot of fun making their gingerbread house this year! We went the easy route and bought a kit. They were so cute, they tried to make their house look exactly like the one on the box. I think they were pretty close.
Posted by
8:56 AM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Big Day
We had such a great weekend! Brad graduated from Law School! Grandma and Grandpa Daybell came to celebrate with us. Our kids were so excited to see their Dad graduate. I think they were a little surprised to see him dressed up in regalia. Addie turned to me and said, "Wow, Dad is so handsome, I wish I could give him a kiss." It was a neat ceremony and reception. The day was so much fun.
Posted by
4:48 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Ice Storm
There is ice everywhere. The trees are beautiful. Addison was so excited to go outside to "build a snowman". She could not believe that it was ice. We let her go outside and see it for herself. She was very surprised. She kept trying to pick up "snow" but the ground was solid ice.
Posted by
7:14 AM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
What is this?
Now, normally I wouldn't get worried about cloud formation, but I do live in KANSAS. Tonight, during dinner, we looked out the window to see this. What is this?!? The sirens did not go off, but this thing lingered near our house for about an hour! Yikes.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
Our little Ella has started crawling! She is on the move constantly and is busy all day long. I love this stage, she wants to see and touch everything. She is especially interested in our Christmas tree. :) Tonight, I heard two panicked sisters yelling from their bedroom, "Help, Ella is stuck." Ella had somehow ended up in the little cradle and had her legs twisted. She was still as happy as can be. I went to get my camera and by the time I got back into their bedroom, the three of them were rocking out of control!! It scared me to death and they thought it was hilarious. I just hope they can all make it through childhood without serious injury! Kids are fun.
Posted by
6:15 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
We had the best Thanksgiving! My two sisters and their families and my parents came to visit us! They were here for 8 days! We LOVED having them here. We spent the majority of our time on the road visiting church history sites. We spent Thanksgiving day in Nauvoo. My little girls had a blast with their cousins. Here are a few pictures from our trip...
Running through the fields at Adam-ondi-ahman.
Kids being kids at Liberty Jail.
Addison and Olivia playing with their dolls in front of the sun stone in Nauvoo.
Olivia pouting at Carthage Jail. Addison and her sweet cousins trying to cheer her up.
Trying to smile after 5 days without a nap.
Ella spent most of the 8 days in a car seat. She was the best baby!
The guys went to the Chiefs/Raiders game in Kansas City. They were on the 5th row/50 yard line.
Posted by
7:37 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Walk at the Governor's Mansion
Since our move to Kansas, we have loved to take walks at the Governor's Mansion. We have made it a tradition to go on Sunday afternoons. The weather was perfect today for a walk, so the girls and I went this afternoon. It was gorgeous!
Posted by
5:09 PM
Sweet Ella
Ella is the best baby! We feel so lucky to have her. She is so happy and sweet. We love her so much.
Posted by
2:00 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Every year our girls just can not decide what to be for Halloween. This year we had a battle because they both wanted to be the Barbie "Genevieve". They cried about it up until yesterday afternoon. They talked it over and made a compromise. To my surprise it went in Addie's favor. :) Addison decided to be the Barbie "Genevieve" and Olivia decided to be Genevieve's sister "Lacy" (whoever that is). We went to "Trunk or Treat" at the church and then went trick or treating with a group of friends. We borrowed a little cheetah costume for Ella. She was very frustrated with her nose, and absolutely not in the mood for whiskers!
Posted by
6:34 AM
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Weekend in Wichita
This weekend we took a trip to Wichita. We visited some good friends who I knew when I lived in Colorado. They invited us to attend a "pig roast". As we sat in our hotel the night before the roast, we realized that we had not really explained what a "pig roast" was going to be like. Addison and Olivia were SO excited to play with the pig! They were a little surprise to hear that we were actually eating the pig. The next morning, Addie prayed, "please help us that we won't think the pig is gross!" We took pictures of the dear ol' pig, but I thought I better not post them (not a pleasant picture for weak stomachs). :)
So, I posted some pictures of our hunt for autumn leaves. It was absolutely beautiful in Wichita. The girls were determined to find the most colorful leaves. We encouraged them to find them on the ground, but they kept Brad busy, lifting them into the trees to find the "perfect leaf". We had a lot of fun.
Posted by
5:17 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Addie in the leaves
My photography classes have ended for this semester. Now it is time to have some fun. Addison loves to get her picture taken. She loves the camera and she really has fun posing. She always wants her hand, a flower or in this case a branch of leaves, right next to her face. I am always laughing inside, but I try to act excited so that she will forever enjoy having me take her picture. Today, she wanted to lay in a pile of leaves and hold a branch next to her face. She put on her serious face (she never wants to smile in a picture) and did not move while I shot pics. She is so much fun and at such a cute age! I had to smile, and I was a little unsure, but I think it turned out pretty cute.
Posted by
9:20 PM
Sunday, October 21, 2007
A day at the park
We have had the cute little Westhoff girls staying with us this week. Their dad just passed the Colorado Bar, got a job in Denver, and their parents are off looking for a house this weekend. We have been good friends with the Westhoffs since the day we moved to Kansas. We will be so sad to see them move away. :(
Posted by
8:06 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Glitter Pumpkins
This is my favorite autumn craft. We did this for a Family Home Evening project tonight. It was so much fun and the mess we made was unbelievable. Glitter everywhere! We painted the pumpkin stems, coated the pumpkins with watered down glue and covered them with glitter. Our little girls had so much fun! I don't know how I will ever get all of the orange glitter out of their hair!!
Posted by
5:58 PM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
1/2 Marathon
Okay, many of you know that I have been training for a half marathon. My training started 12 weeks ago! I was so nervous as the race was approaching because I caught a cold and it was not going away, it was getting worse. So, the last week I have totally been off my training schedule. My last long run was last Saturday and it went well, but I was sick the next day. So, yesterday I decided no matter what, even if I am sick, I am running this thing! Well, I drank a gallon of water throughout the day and ate a ton of carbs. I could not sleep last night because I kept checking the clock, thinking I would not wake up in time. Well, at about 4 a.m. I started hearing the rain, hail and major gusts of wind. I kept waiting for the storm to pass and it just became stronger. My running partners picked me up at 6:30 a.m. and as we arrived at the half marathon, everyone started their preparations as though we were actually going to run. But, as the lightning crashed down along with the hail, we soon realized that it was not going to happen! So disappointing!! I am hoping I can make arrangements to run next week in the Kansas City Marathon. I'll keep you posted.
Posted by
10:44 AM
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Brad had his graduation portraits taken today. He brought home a photocopy that the photographer gave to him, and then I took a picture of it. So, you can kind of get an idea of how cute he looks. :) Graduation is on December 15th. He is graduating one semester early. I can not believe we are so close to the finish line!
Posted by
11:51 AM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Chiefs/Raiders tickets have arrived!
Thanks to an awesome father-in-law, Brad will be watching the Chiefs/Raiders game from the 5th row at the 50 yard line! Last year Brad went to a couple of games and loved it. He has become a big Chiefs fan (too bad they are not that good this year). My family is coming out in November for Thanksgiving. My dad and brother-in-law will be going to the game with Brad. It should be fun!
Posted by
9:04 PM
Pumpkin Patch
Today we went to the pumpkin patch. We had so much fun watching the girls search through the pumpkin patch and carefully select their favorite pumpkin. We told them that they could choose any pumpkin in the entire field. They each fell in love with the smallest little pumpkins. They are holding their pumpkins in the picture. You can barely see Addie's because it is so little. We had to laugh. Although we go to the pumpkin patch each year, we have never brought a "normal pumpkin" home . Our kids always find the odd shaped little ones. Each year when we take them to get weighed, the farmers laugh and say,"That pumpkin is free". To our surprise, this year the farmer charged us 50 cents. :)
Posted by
8:44 PM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Addison has started another year of preschool. She goes to school every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. She loves it and so do I. :)
Posted by
7:53 AM
Date with Dad
Brad and the girls have been battling with sinus issues for almost two weeks. Brad has been so miserable with a constant runny nose. He dares stuff his nostrils with kleenex at home, but at school he has really struggled. :) It has been tradition that every Thursday, he takes the girls on a little date. I love to take pictures, so I was out there with my camera as he was loading the kids. Brad was not excited to be in a picture, he wanted to wait until his nose calmed down and was no longer bright red, but I kept trying. The more he resisted, the harder I tried. He was very good at dodging the camera. This is the best I could do. I feel like I sort of had a paparazzi experience, catching a shot right as he drove away.
Posted by
7:30 AM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Addie's new trick
Addison insisted that I put this picture on our blog for her cousins to see. She is really enjoying her new gymnastics class. She is very proud of herself!
Posted by
1:23 PM
Our little girls LOVE Barbies. We probably have 30+ Barbies in this house! Addison and Olivia play Barbies for hours! We have Barbies that dance, sing, swim, talk, light up and twirl. The list could go on and on. We have one "Ken Barbie" and the girls both refuse to be the boy, so they wait for their sweet dad to return home from school. With a family of full of girls, Brad will forever be "Ken" and he loves it. :)
Posted by
11:04 AM